AI-related research projects can submit cloud credit requests to the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot. For more information and to apply for an allocation, please visit the NAIRR Pilot website. The cloud awards for Azure, AWS, and GCP will be managed by CloudBank. Please review our best practices guide and see an example request for help writing a successful proposal.


NDC-C (DCL 23-101) awardees

PIs who have have received supplements from DCL 23-101 National Discovery Cloud for Climate Science (NDC-C) can request cloud computing resources thru CloudBank.

Eligible NSF Solicitation Request

PIs who are submitting proposals to CloudBank-eligible solications, can request cloud resources as part of their NSF proposal.

Active CISE Award Requests

PIs who already have an active CISE award can request cloud computing resources thru CloudBank. This type of request is just-in-time as opposed to requiring PIs to budget for resources at the time of proposal submission.

Community & Education Resource Requests

Any researcher or educator, regardless if they have an active NSF award, can request small amounts of time for classroom, data sharing, or exploratory purposes.

Faculty Startup Funds Request

Faculty from any US university may deposit startup funds with CloudBank to be spent in Amazon Web Services (AWS).

If you want to use CloudBank to help you manage planned or existing cloud funds at your home institute, please see our Enterprise options.